ViQi Webinar

Practical Applications for AI in High-Content Analysis: Dose-Response and Quantitative Assays

ViQi presents this free, educational training so you can learn how you can use AI to score assays compared to a standard curve or based on inherent morphological changes.

In this video, ViQi Chief Science Officer, Dr. Ilya Goldberg, shares how AI can be trained to assay any kind of morphological change quickly and with very high sensitivity - enabling the rapid acceleration of developing quantitative assays. Dr Goldberg is an AI and cell biology expert with more than 20 years of experience at NIH, OME, and ViQi.

This recording covers how to:

  • Train and evaluate AIs for scoring a continuous morphological process.

  • Score a multi-compound screen based on a dose-response standard curve.

  • Score any type of phenotypic response without knowing what to look for a priori.

Join Ilya Goldberg for a free 30-minute consulting session on AI applications in HCA. Our ultimate goal is to create a product that meets the needs of experimental biologists doing high-content analysis. Email Dr. Goldberg.