Age 4

Theme Song:
Doctor Who

Christian Lang, PhD

Chief Information Officer / Co-Founder

• PhD, Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara
• BS, Computer Science, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
• BS+MS, Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Dr. Christian Lang is an expert in data management and analytics, graph mining, and high-dimensional indexing with over 25 years of industrial and academic research experience. Prior to founding ViQi, Dr. Lang served as Chief Technology Officer of Acelot, Inc., a life-science based R&D company that applies novel graph mining technology to the space of 3D molecular structures in order to find new cures for CNS diseases. Dr. Lang was also a research staff member at IBM Research where he led various research projects investigating search and retrieval algorithms on structured and unstructured (geometric and multimedia) data. Dr. Lang has published his findings in over 30 papers in leading data management and data mining journals and conferences and he holds over 20 U.S. and international patents on his inventions.